RMA has a number of services available to support your requirements. Please contact us if you would like additional information, or if we can assist you in choosing the appropriate vehicle to meet your needs.

541211 / 541211 RCAuditing Services
541219 / 541219 RCBudget and Financial Management Services
541611 / 541611 RCManagement and Financial Consulting, Acquisition and Grants
Management Support, and Business Program and Project Management Services
541990RISK / 541990RISK RCRisk Assessment and Mitigation Services
611430 / 611430 RCProfessional and Management Development Training
OLM / OLM RCOrder-Level Materials

As of May 3, 2024, RMA may compete for 8(a) competitive awards through our GSA Schedule (above) and our OASIS 8(a) Pool 2 contract (below.)

RMA graduated from the sole source 8(a) program on May 2, 2024, and can no longer accept sole source 8(a) awards. We want to thank the SBA and our many federal customers for their support throughout our enrollment in the sole source 8(a) program.

RMA’s OASIS 8(a) Pool 2 Contract Number 47QRAD20D8208 allows us the ability to provide innovative solutions for complex professional services. Please contact RMA OASIS POC for more information.

RMA’s SeaPort- Next Generation (SeaPort NxG) Contract Number N00178-19-D-8429 allows us to provide services that span the entire spectrum of Navy’s mission areas and technical capabilities.