Our firm has a diverse team of certified professionals with a wide range of subject matter expertise. We specialize in financial statement, information technology, and performance audits. We strive to provide our clients with value-add audits by issuing actionable and useful recommendations. We also specialize in advisory services such as audit remediation and internal control support services. Our efforts have provided agencies with tangible results in the form of corrective actions that have remediated internal control issues, improved audit opinions, enhanced management visibility over financial operations, and increased efficiencies. Our team is dedicated to providing high-quality and efficient services to our clients.
Click the image below to download RMA’s Capability Statement.

- Audit Readiness, Remediation, and Sustainment
- Internal Control Support
- Enterprise Risk Management
- Financial Systems and Shared Services Support
- Fraud and Forensics
- Information Technology Governance
- Process Improvement
- Strategy and Performance Management
- Actuarial Modeling Services
- Statistical Modeling Services
- Contract Administration and Closeout
- Professional Development Training

- Financial Statement Audits
- Performance Audits
- FISMA Audits and Evaluations
- Attestation Engagements
- Grant Audits
- Information Technology and Security Assessments
- SSAE 18 Examinations
- Payment Integrity Audits
- Charge Card Audits